..in more ways than one... my precious little Riley loves wearing his Diego watch.. it's not an actual watch, but simply a piece of yellow plastic shaped like a watch, with a picture of Diego on it.. when we ask him what time it is, he has often said "Diego-thirty".. he has been undaunted when someone (especially his older brother) has pointed out it is not a real watch..
he wears his watch every day & night.. in the shower, to school & in bed.. he only takes it off to play flag football, when one of us will hold it for him..
this week, he lost his little Diego watch at football practice.. I came home from being out of town for a couple of days, and Troy shared this news with a sad look on his face..
knowing that his next watch will most likely be an actual watch, I think we felt as if it marked one of those signs Riley getting a little older..