Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday & Carolpolooza..

This Saturday started early, with football again.. both boys won their games, with Taggert running almost the entire length of the football field for a touchdown.. I almost screamed myself hoarse.. we all noticed how he kept his eye on where we were all sitting to make sure we didn't miss a step.. both teams are undefeated as we go into the playoffs next weekend..
After football Carol & I ran errands together on what will be one of her final Saturdays free, now that she has gone back to work.. I joined her on my first trip to a scrubs store to get her some new ones for work.. that place is where fabrics go to die.. it is amazing collection of insane patterns.. good news though, as I was able to quickly lay my hands on the most expensive scrubs in the store- Grey's Anatomy brand no less- and help Carol make some quick selections.. they were by far the softest scrubs available, and I have half a mind to go back and get some to wear as pjs.. next was a trip to the bookstore for Cooper's birthday presents (happy birthday Coopy-doo!) and then finally to Whole Foods..
You will be hard pressed to find two women who have more fun in a grocery store.. it started earlier at football where we shared recipes we had come across lately.. we settled on some unusual sandwich combinations & new appetizers to attempt.. we wandered the aisles of the grocery store, sniffing unusual fruit, trying cheese samples & doubling back to look at everything again.. we must have lost track of time, as Steve called to make sure we were coming home at some point..
Dinner on the patio & childhood stories around the kitchen island, brought a relaxing end to a long day.. no one can accuse us of not squeezing the most out of our Saturday..

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