I started today ready to take my CLU exam... 3 more before the end of August & we are Hawaii bound.. it's getting down to the wire, but I remain optimistic.. this optimism carried me down to the testing center, sheet of formulas in hand, so that I could review them up until I walked into the computer lab (let me know if you need me to compute the effective annual interest rate on a consumer loan.. ha, right! Sarah & math do not mix..)
The proctor leads me to my computer, enters her password, and then....nothing.... she tries again.. and again... nothing.. technical difficulties, no sweat- I grab my formula list & work on calculating the present value of an annuity due in the lobby while they deal with my computer.. [still floating on my optimism]..
Every few minutes the very nice proctor comes out to give me updates, "we'll get it working shortly"... "just an update to the system"... "only a couple of minutes more".. it turned into only a "couple of minutes more" for two.....solid.....hours.... [optimism sinking].. finally, she comes out & says "it's time to reschedule your exam for another day"... that's all fine and good, but that makes my plan of squeezing three more of these puppies between business trips, vacations & 2 months a little tough.. [where did I leave that optimism?]..
I drive on home, financial planning formulas slowly seeping out of my ears... make some work calls, reset my exam for Friday & work some email.. and then, at the very end of the day, the delivery truck arrives (have I mentioned our washer has been leaking all over the floor every 3rd wash or so, and our heat sensor is out on the dryer allowing it to run & run..?)
Optimism is hiding out at this point [probably somewhere in the lobby of the testing center].. Troy has me convinced that the beautiful, front loading, highly rated (and heavily researched) washer & dryer I purchased this weekend (he was playing golf) have no chance of fitting in our teeny-tiny laundry room.. I tell the delivery guy this & he says "oh yeah, it's going to be tight".. he pauses, turns with a smile and adds "but they will fit perfectly".. [optimism is back in the house!]
they look pretty good, don't they?... when Troy got home he & Steve quickly jumped in the laundry room with a measuring tape trying to see how we did it (don't know, don't care).. let's just hope this luck & optimism stay with me through my exam on Friday.. :)