Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Once again, there's been a BOWL-napping!..

Here we sit in Texas, wistfully staring across the lawn as we patiently await the return of our next door neighbors, the Sippels.. We tend to their lawn, take out their trash, collect their mail & lovingly watch over their home, as they enjoy their two week vacation on the Canada shore...
and how do they repay such love, you ask?... by filling their blog with taunting photos of my beautiful blue bowl!..

I give you, the evidence...

Exhibit A: what is he doing?.. blowing it a kiss??

Exhibit B: what's that hiding behind that Yankee coffee??...

Exhibit C: is that a rotten banana in my bowl??

There are many other photos (you can find them on Carol's blog)... I've barely recovered from the first Bowl-napping (the night of Super Bowl 2007) and the ransom note & bogus broken bowl pieces I kept finding for weeks after the fact.. and here they go & take my bowl into a whole other country!!.... Stephen Sippel!.. you just wait mister!

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